MRSO - Meter Registration System Operator
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Meter Data
Quarter Hour Metering
Non-Quarter Hour Metering
Historical Data Profile
Loss Factors
Aggregation Reports
Loss Factors
Distribution Loss Factors

The consumption metered at the customers premises is grossed up by MRSO to the Transmission- Distribution interface by applying the distribution loss adjustment factors before the meter data is aggregated by Supplier and sent to Settlement.

MRSO also gross up the meter data for embedded generators by applying site specific distribution loss factors other than CHP embedded generators where the same factors are applied as for consumption metered at customer premises.

A more detailed explanation of the distribution loss factors is available below in the Distribution Loss Adjustment Factors, ESB Submission to Commission for Regulation of Utilities in January 2000.

PDF logo Distribution Loss Adjustment Factors - ESB Submission to CER, 7/02/2000 (pdf)

Transformer Loss Factor

For cost and space reasons most 110 KiloVolt (KV) connected customers have been metered at the low-voltage side of their main transformers instead of the high-voltage side.

The published 110KV tariff by ESB PES factored in these transformer losses.

Accordingly MRSO adjust the uncompensated meter data collected for 110KV customers by a standard loss factor of 0.5% for meter data sent to Settlement, Distribution Use of System Charges (DUOS), Transmission Use of System Charges (TUOS) and Suppliers.

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